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February is Almost Over?!
February is Almost Over?!

Time sure is flying by. Spring is coming to…

Halfway There
Halfway There

I’m writing this sitting in our hotel room in…

It Won’t Stop Raining
It Won’t Stop Raining

Welcome to Vancouver, where the rainy season lasts about…

We’re Boat Owners!
We’re Boat Owners!

Today, we officially became boat owners (at least on…


Holy feelings, Batman! Decluttering our basement has shaken loose…

Settling In
Settling In

This past week has felt as though we started…

We’re Back!
We’re Back!

As you may have noticed, the blog has been…

Week One and Done
Week One and Done

It’s Sunday, and the end of our first full…

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It feels like I say this every time…where did the time go? March is already over, welcome April! My sister and brother in-law came to visit in early March. We…

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It feels like I say this every time…where did the time go? March is already over, welcome April!…

Maiden Voyage

This week, we finally got the chance to get out on the water. This is what we’ve been…

Liveaboard Life

Life update – we’re full time liveaboards now! When we first got Eudora, we put our name down…

It Won’t Stop Raining

Welcome to Vancouver, where the rainy season lasts about 6 months. That’s what the locals tell us, anyways.…

Hoses & Hiking

This past week was a relatively quiet one. We visited Eudora each day, and completed some maintenance projects.…


Latest From My Journal

Boat Day Breakdown

Boat Day Breakdown

ByMartinaFeb 5, 2022

I want to share a breakdown of what goes into a typical boat day for us. I’m new…

Belated Happy New Year!

Belated Happy New Year!

ByMartinaJan 19, 2022

Whew, where did January go? Last I remember, we were headed back to work after Christmas break, how…

White Christmas

White Christmas

ByMartinaDec 27, 2021

It’s Christmastime! So much anticipation always goes into this single day, and then as my German Oma would…

Christmas Lights on the Water

Christmas Lights on the Water

ByMartinaDec 15, 2021

We’ve had a fun week, filled with lots of mini projects, and Christmas decorating! The weather has not…

Hoses & Hiking

Hoses & Hiking

ByMartinaDec 7, 2021

This past week was a relatively quiet one. We visited Eudora each day, and completed some maintenance projects.…

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Hoses & Hiking
Hoses & Hiking
ByMartinaDec 7, 2021

This past week was a relatively quiet one. We visited Eudora each…


Weekend at Clementine
Hoses & Hiking
It Won’t Stop Raining
Settling In