Reflections on our First Year

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve been boat people for a year already. This time last year we were boxing up our possessions and organizing movers, cleaners, house showings and goodness knows what else. I’m thankful the stress and anxiety of the move is behind us. Through the process of re-establishing our lives in aContinue reading “Reflections on our First Year”

Visit to the Gulf Islands – July 2022

It’s been a gorgeous summer so far, our first spent here on the West Coast. This week, it’s a sweltering 32 degrees each day. We’ve given up on the apartment for the week. It gets too stuffy, and the balcony is in the full sun in the afternoons, so there’s no escaping the heat. Instead,Continue reading “Visit to the Gulf Islands – July 2022”

February is Almost Over?!

Time sure is flying by. Spring is coming to Vancouver, I’ve spotted flowers in bloom, and gardeners are starting to prune and trim and prep the garden beds. Being a Calgarian, I’m used to hard crusty snow sticking to the ground until March, and flowers blooming in May. I am thoroughly enjoying the spring feeling,Continue reading “February is Almost Over?!”

White Christmas

It’s Christmastime! So much anticipation always goes into this single day, and then as my German Oma would say…Christmas comes, and then it goes again. How true! It’s now two days past Christmas, and we’re already looking forward into the new year. Work assignments, boat projects, training courses, perhaps going back to school?!? On ChristmasContinue reading “White Christmas”

Christmas Lights on the Water

We’ve had a fun week, filled with lots of mini projects, and Christmas decorating! The weather has not really been the greatest (what a surprise!) and we have not gotten out on the water again. We’re stuck in a holding pattern, hamstrung by the insurance clause that requires us to have a competent captain onboard.Continue reading “Christmas Lights on the Water”