It feels like I say this every time…where did the time go? March is already over, welcome April!
My sister and brother in-law came to visit in early March. We took them on a boat ride, of course. We left the dock early in the morning, and there was thick fog hanging over the water. We cruised through it, and the mist burned off to leave us with a gorgeously sunny day. It was only our second cruise on our own, the first with guests on board, and everything went well!

We also enjoyed lots of delicious food that weekend, I feel like we did nothing but eat. We discovered a lovely place in Stanley Park, and a really quaint little place on the North Shore that specializes in comfort food – mmm French onion soup! And of course the bottomless brunch at the Fairmont Hotel.
Eudora has been out of commission for the majority of the month, as she is getting an electrical systems upgrade. We removed the 20 year old inverter and replaced it with a new Victron system. At the same time while all of the wall panels are down, we put in a new PC for navigation, as well as a new chart plotter. Still to be installed is the new radar. This is by far the biggest project we have undertaken so far, but it’s necessary to update these twenty year old systems. Once this is done, we will be ready for the summer cruising season!

What else, what else…? March has been busy work-wise. I’m getting my bookkeeping business of the ground, and was very happy to meet with and complete work for some new clients this month. With GST and tax deadlines, everything just came together at once resulting in a few very long days, as it so often seems to do. Matt continues to excel at his job as well, with lots and lots of meetings and phone calls each day.

Spring is definitely here! There are gorgeous cherry blossoms and spring flowers blooming. We’ve enjoyed as much outdoor time as we can fit in, amongst working and boat projects. The mild weather on the coast is such a nice change from “springtime” in Calgary.
We’re looking forward to finishing off the big boat projects and being back out on the water soon!