Holy feelings, Batman! Decluttering our basement has shaken loose lots of cobwebs, dust and memories. This evening, I opened a box of teddy bears, and just cried for a few minutes.
I’m trying to unpack all the emotions. Some of it is sadness for times gone by, some of it is regret for leaving all these things tucked away, some of it is thankfulness for the happy memories. Most of it is likely due to stress and lack of sleep.
Also uncovered in the basement boxes were treasures such as mix CDs, birthday cards from coworkers, as well as all of the extra invitations, seating chart and menu from our wedding day! There were also some well outdated snacks tucked away in luggage and purses.
Reflecting on today, I will say that I’m thankful for the memories and experiences that have come our way so far, and for the good fortune we’ve had to accumulate so much stuff.
Decluttering is a bittersweet part of the process, but the trip down memory lane has been worth it.